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Global 500 Database

The Global500+ database contains company profiles for the world's largest corporations ranked by sales, assets or premium income to cover the largest global players.

Companies can be accessed by company name, industry, country, region or the full dataset.

Profiles are downloadable PDF documents. View a sample document here.

Why is the database called the Global500+? Many lists exist that have different criteria to rank the companies and this list aims to ensure that all the major players are profiled and the data is collated. The full dataset contains in excess of 500 global leaders. This full dataset will be available shortly and will hold approximately 18,000 named executives and decision makers. Contact us to be notified when this database is published.

What makes these profiles unique is that they are consistent, current and available through easily accessible records. Given their consistent presentation, the profiles are highly comparable and prove to be highly useful analytical tools for clients to look at companies operating by industry, country and region.

Standards contents* of the profiles include company name, full contact details, date of establishment, number of employees, SIC codes, industry category, Activities description, Board of Directors, Senior Management and Key Decision Makers, 3 years of selected financial's, analyst coverage, locations directory, trade names, executive biographies, competitors and quick facts to highlight the companies strengths by region or segment.

A sample profile can be found here. It would be easy and deceptive to make available a sample profile for the "best" company in terms of the data collated providing the sample company that gives the fullest dataset. The sample is a typical profile and the average executive count per profile is in excess of 30 named contacts.

*Standard contents include the fields where available and there is no real standard profile as availability of data varies by company, country, region or industry. We have strict quality control and strong ethical beliefs that present a no quibble guarantee. We will rectify any inconsistencies and will reply to any queries, suggestions or complaints you may have that will work towards improving our deliverable products.




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