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America Movil SAB de CV Company Profile

Lago Alberto 366 Tel: +52 55 2581 4449  
Colonia An�huac Fax: +52 55 2581 4449  
Mexico City 11320  
Latin America  
Date of Establishment
Employees 148,058
Ticker Symbol New York and Mexico City: AMX
SIC Codes 4812
Sector Telecommunications

America Movil SAB de CV Principal Activities and Company Overview

Am�rica M�vil SAB de CV and subsidiaries provide wireless and fixed communications services in Latin America. Am�rica M�vil obtains its revenues primarily from telecommunications services, including the sale of airtime (including interconnection under the calling party pays program), monthly rent, long-distance charges, and other services (including roaming, value added services and other service charges), as well as the proceeds from the sale of cellular phones and accessories.

America Movil SAB de CV Board of Directors

Carlos Slim Helu, Chairman Emeritus
Patrick Slim Domit, Chairman
Jaime Chico Pardo, Director
Alejandro Soberon Kuri, Director
Maria Asuncion Aramburzabala Larregui, Director
Rayford Wilkins, Director
John Stephens, Director
Pablo Roberto Gonzalez Guajardo, Director
David Ibarra Munoz, Director
Ernesto Vega Velasco, Director
Carlos Bremer Gutierrez, Director
America Movil SAB de CV Leadership, Senior Decision Makers and Key Executives
Daniel Hajj Aboumrad, CEO
Carlos Jose Garcia Moreno Elizondo, CFO
Carlos Cardenas Blasquez, Latin American Operations
Jose Elias Briones Capetillo, Administration and Finance

Full America Movil SAB de CV company profile includes*:-
America Movil SAB de CV Selected Financial Data over 9 Years Selected financial information over 10 years to include revenue, profit before tax, net income, shareholders' equity, total assets, earnings per share and dividends per share
America Movil SAB de CV Full Contact Details America Movil SAB de CV Full Contact Details
America Movil SAB de CV Analyst coverage America Movil SAB de CV Analyst Coverage
America Movil SAB de CV snapshot data and quick facts Consolidated and condensed data and quick facts such as revenues by segment, market share, geographical segment information, return on equity, R&D expenditure etc America Movil SAB de CV snapshot data and quick facts Consolidated and condensed data and quick facts such as revenues by segment, market share, geographical segment information, return on equity, R&D expenditure etc
America Movil SAB de CV List of competitors America Movil SAB de CV List of Competitors
America Movil SAB de CV Board of Directors America Movil SAB de CV Board of Directors
America Movil SAB de CV  Key Management & Decision Makers America Movil SAB de CV Key Management & Decision Makers
America Movil SAB de CV Executive Biographies America Movil SAB de CV Executive Biographies
America Movil SAB de CV Activities Overview and Company Background America Movil SAB de CV Activities Overview and Company Background
America Movil SAB de CV Office and Location Directory America Movil SAB de CV Office and Location Directory
America Movil SAB de CV Tradename America Movil SAB de CV Tradenames
America Movil SAB de CV Date of establishment America Movil SAB de CV Date of establishment
America Movil SAB de CV Number of Employees America Movil SAB de CV Number of employees
America Movil SAB de CV SIC Codes America Movil SAB de CV SIC codes
America Movil SAB de CV Ticker symbol / company type America Movil SAB de CV Ticker symbol / company type
  * where available

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